Captain America is a superhero film franchise based on the Marvel character and superhero, Captain America. The first installment was released in 2011. It was produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Following the success of the first part, Captain America: The Winter Soldier was released in 2014, and the last installment, Captain America: Civil War, came out in 2016. However, now after almost four years, Captain America 4 is in talks. The news is positive, but the details on the new projects are less at the moment. After the success of  The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Malcolm Spellman has been busy. And we expect him and the Marvel Studios to comment on the situation soon.

Captain America 4 – Is It Happening?

Yes, the new film is in the works. And there are many sources to confirm the news. The script is being penned down by Malcolm Spellman and Dalan Musson. However, the cast for the new project is not announced. But we can still get a hint from the Disney plus show that just ended. Fans and viewers can speculate the possible cast after the last episode of  The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Until now, actor Chris Evans has given life to Marvel superhero Captain America, and he alter ego, Steve Rogers. He played a role in the previous Captain America movies and also other Marvel assorted films. Will that change this time? Or Chris Evans will join the 4th installment as well.

Well, earlier, Deadline reported that Chris Evans is in talks to reprise his iconic role. However, after the recent Disney and Marvel series, the story is primarily focused on the current wielder of the shield- Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie). It will be a surprise to find out which actor will continue the story of Captain America. Major information on the project is not released. Marvel has not made any statement. Also, the director for the film is not announced. In short, the film is its infancy stage and will proceed once Malcolm Spellman pens down the script.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Captain America- The Connection

Chris Evans ended his role with Avengers: The Endgame. And after the film, in the new series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, new characters were designed. Anthony Mackie was seen wielding the shield, while Sebastian Stan played the role of  Bucky Barnes/the Winter Soldier. Stan’s work in the show has gained him more fans than he already had. The show made its debut on March 19 to what Disney+. According to statistics, it is the biggest series debut audience ever, topping popular shows such as Marvel’s WandaVision and Lucasfilm’s The Mandalorian. Marvel has a lot of options to design the new cast and characters for the new installment. As Chris Evans has not commented on his return, we have a lot of options to think about. Spellman previously worked as the writer/co-executive producer on Fox’s Empire. He also acted as a consulting producer on crime drama Truth Be Told before getting the chance to take the lead on Falcon. He is represented by CAA and Industry Entertainment. On the other hand, Musson is credited as the writer for the strongest episode of the show’s installments- the fifth episode, entitled “Truth.” So, the partnership of Spellman and Musson will give out amazing results. Until then, keep reading and stay tuned to get all the details on the latest films and shows.

Captain America 4 Announced After The Falcon   The Winter Soldier Finale - 19Captain America 4 Announced After The Falcon   The Winter Soldier Finale - 6