Early Life and More

Bill Gates was born on the 28th of October 1955 in Seattle, Washington, to parents William Henry Gates Sr and Marry Maxwell Gates. He grew up in an upper-middle-class family and has two sisters Kristianne and Libby. As a child, Gates was a voracious reader. When Gates became 13, his parents enrolled him at Seattle’s exclusive preparatory Lakeside School. There he did excellently in all the subjects as well as in Drama. In that school, kids were given a bit of computer time, and this where hos fascination for computers has emerged. Gates had also attended The Harvard University originally in pursuit of making a career in law. But to his parent’s dismay, he dropped out from there and started the company Microsoft with his partner Allen. He spent most of his time in the computer labs than in the class. He also didn’t get much sleep and also crammed for his tests and passed them with a reasonable grade. In the year 1975, they officially formed Microsoft, which they had named after Microcomputers and software. In the start, The company did not have a smooth sail. But now we all know about the company’s success. In the year 1987, he met his now-wife Melinda Gates, and they married in the year 1994.

Do Bill Gates have a Girlfriend?

Recently Bill and Melinda Gates decided to end their nearly three-decades-long marriage. They announced this news on the 3rd of May this year. And some reports suggest that this is because there was another woman in Gates’s life, and she is also the reason behind the high-profile divorce. In their reports, they also say that he was allowed to meet his former Girlfriend Ann Winblad once every year by his wife, Melinda Gates. This was the setting that the couple had. It is also said that when he was about to marry Melinda he called Ann for her approval. Back in the day when the two used to date, Ann was in a rush to marry, and Gates was not ready yet. This is why the two broke up. It is also rumored that Gates took a long vacation each year with Ann. And this was the part of a deal that was made with Melinda during Marriage. Ann is a software entrepreneur. And Gates prefers to spend private time with her at a cozy beach cottage in North Carolina. It is also said that She is the one who gave permission to Gates to propose to Melinda. Usually, during their getaway, they share their thoughts about the world and themselves. Melinda also has stated that she will be good for him as she has that intellectual stamina. But to this, Gates has not made any comment yet. So as of now, he is not in a relationship with anyone.

Does Bill Gates Have a Girlfriend  The Truth About Ann Winblad - 75Does Bill Gates Have a Girlfriend  The Truth About Ann Winblad - 99