Release Date: August 31, 2019

Cast and Crew

Writer, Director, and Producer: Todd Philips  Other Producers: Bradley Cooper, Emma Tillinger Koskoff

The Cast

Joaquin Phoenix Robert De Niro Zazie Beetz Frances Conroy Brett Cullen Glenn Fleshler Bill Camp Shea Whigham Marc Maron

Todd Philip has taken the task to produce a movie that shows the world from the perspective of Joker. How he sees the world and what are his motivations for the crimes? The backstory of Joker taken from DC comics developed by a talented director is bound to be a thriller when it releases. As for the main lead “Joaquin Phoenix”, he has impressed us in his roles in Her and You Were Never Really Here. Joker is a very hard character to play as, because of the crazy personality he has. Any actor who tries to play Joker has to work the personality into themselves to portray him. I am sure Joaquin will do his best. Along with this movie, another movie on Joker that stars Jared Leto will be released later made by the warner brothers. Joker movies are always enjoyable. How do you think the movie will turn out?

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