It was recently announced that one of the Naruto Gaiden: The Road Illuminated by the Full Moon, will be animated into an episode for the anime. It will be a filler that focuses on the story of the novel. This is written by Kishimoto to give a background to Mitsuki’s Character. Due to this adaptation, One of the three Sanin, Orochimaru, and his assistant will make an appearance in Boruto anime.

It is a memory of Mitsuki where he founds out about his connection with Orochimaru. While it may not affect the plot of the current manga, it gives a background to the character of Mitsuki. If you haven’t read the novel, you will completely understand the relationship between Orochimaru and Mitsuki. There is no release date for this extra episode yet but it is confirmed that it will be incorporated into a single episode. So, what do you think about this recent announcement? Do let us know in the comments.

Mitsuki Gaiden to be Animated in One Episode - 23