The mystery drama follows with the story of genius engineer Han Tae Sul who is the co-founder of Quantum and Time Company. He tries to solve the mystery behind his brother’s death. On the other hand, Gang Seo Hae is a warrior. She acquired the skills to survive in a world that is dominated by gangsters and the military. She goes back in time to help Han Tae Sul.

Synopsis Of Sisyphus: The Myth (2021).

Sisyphus: The Myth is JTBC’s 10th-anniversary special drama. The drama is cast by Cho Seung Woo as Han Tae Sul and Park Shin Hye as Gang Seo Hae. Sisyphus: The Myth also known as Sisyphus is first premiered on February 17th, 2021. The drama is also broadcasted on Netflix. Sisyphus: The Myth is a mystery time traveler drama. Han Tae Sul who is the co-founder of Quantum and Time Company is a genius engineer. With his skills, he produces innovative results, and his company has become a world-class enterprise. He tries to solve the mystery behind his brother’s death which took place 10 years ago. He also constantly caused his stokes to fluctuate after his brother’s death. He heads off on a dangerous journey in search of the truth. Gang Seo Hae is an exclusive warrior. She was advised not to trust Tae Sul by her father. She is a survivor from the future world, a world ruled by gangsters, warlords, and the military. She acquired many skills to survive there. She goes back in time to save Han Tae Sul. Also read: Park Shin-Hye Shines As An Elite Warrior In The New Upcoming K-Drama “Sisyphus: The Myth”.

Quick Recap On the Previous Episode.

Sisyphus: The Myth drama is near ending the third last episode i.e. 14th episode of the drama was released on April 1st, 2021. Sigma tells Edward to create an uploader, they say the war will not take place if he makes the uploader. Tae Sul is looking for Seo Hae all over the city. Some incidence took place while searching for her. The episode contains scenes in the nuclear bunker where Seo Hae is reminded of her childhood memories with her father and their training.  Han Tae sul and Gang Seo Hae spend some time in the bunker, he locks Seo Hae in the bunker to go finish off his mission and does not want her to follow up. Tae sul tells Sigma that he is in his control now, he used a brainwashing technique i.e. he is no longer under their control. In the ending Tae sul visits, Mr. Park asks for the gun to kill sigma and in return, he gives medicine that will last 50 years. The episode ends with Tae Sul rings Sigma and asks where he is, the ending gives an excessively big curiosity to the audience. Also read: What To Expect From Sisyphus: The Myth Episode 14? Also read: What To Expect From Sisyphus: The Myth Episode 13?

What To Expect In Episode 15 Of Sisyphus: The Myth.

We can expect to know more about the background of how Seo Won ju became Sigma. We can also expect Choi Jae sun to save Gang Seo hae who is trapped in the nuclear bunker. Edward Kim might find a way to create the uploader which in turn brings consequences for the characters. There is also an expectation of a head-to-head fight of Han Tae sul and sigma. One wants to see the world in destruction as the other wants to save the world. The question remains unanswered as to will the girl or the world be saved.

 Sisyphus: The Myth Episode 15 Release Date

Sisyphus: The Myth episode 15 will be released on April 7th, 2021. Until now 14 episodes are released with 2 episodes remaining. The last episode is expected to be released on April 8th, 2021. Until now the drama has received good ratings and the 2nd episode received the highest rating.

Where To Watch Sisyphus: The Myth.

Sisyphus: The Myth can originally be watched on JTBC. The drama is aired every Wednesday and Thursday from February 17th, 2021 to April 8th,2021.

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