10. Jiraiya on Death

Death is a certainty in the cycle of life, what we become during our lives, according to the belief system of the shinobi matters little to as how we die.

9. Jiraiya on mindfulness and a place in our hearts

There’s an aspect of combat that motivates every warrior, and that is the longing for someone to care, companionship, and a sense of quiet after the shock of battle.

8. Jiraiya on dealing with Rejection

Learning from failure is a positive way to get a grasp of the harsh realities of life.

7. Jiraiya on self-learning

The route of self-discovery and becoming is a long one. Every shinobi is on a quest for self-improvement, and through perseverance, victory becomes the goal.

6. Jiraiya on the Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness is an emotion that isn’t kin to warriors. Many go to combat with a grin, while not so many find themselves caught in haywire of emotions.

5. Jiraiya on the levels of kinkiness

Oscar Wilde once wrote that the best way to rid yourself of temptation is to yield to it. Jiraiya takes this to the extreme when it comes to his peculiar tastes.

4. Jiraiya on dealing with hatred

Hatred is a strong emotion that can harness the worst inside a person, pushing them to commit heinous acts.

3. Jiraiya on Happy Endings

The last words of Jiraiya, as he reckons, Naruto might remind us of the central character of the series, the feeling of happiness that we experience as a story reaches a logical conclusion.

2. Jiraiya on the Way of the Ninja

The path of the ninja is a difficult journey towards self-improvement.

1. Jiraiya on Perseverance

The only way to get to Carnegie Hall, as the famous quote goes, is practice, practice, practice. Jiraiya didn’t’ get to be the best by loafing around on his couch. He got to that point by challenging himself through the discipline fo perseverance.